20 January 2015

Newton help with waterproofing projects in Australia

During his time in Australia, Stuart promoted Newton Waterproofing Systems in a meeting with the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection In December 2014, Australia’s Bayset Specialist Trade Supplies, which supply waterproofing materials, received a visit from Newton’s Technical and Training Manager, Stuart Tansey. Stuart spent his visit helping Bayset promote Cavity Drain Membranes as[…]

  • 20 January 2015

03 December 2014

Sika’s new £2.5m R&D Centre opened by HRH Duke of Kent

Sika new UK Research and Development Centre Sika’s new andpound;2.5million research and development centre in Preston, UK, was opened on 26 November, 2014 by HRH Duke of Kent. Sika continues to invest in the development of technologically advanced liquid roofing membranes and new product technologies – such as the low solvent iCure range. The new[…]

  • 03 December 2014

02 December 2014

Keep buildings dry with the latest Safeguard product guide

Safeguard product expertise in one handy volume Alongside full details on its Dryzone, Stormdry, Vandex, Oldroyd, Soluguard and Brickfix brands, the latest product innovations include: Dryzone Express Replastering System allows rising damp to be treated, and the walls re-decorated in under 24 hours lower cost than the traditional multi-layer sand cement render solution Stormdry Masonry[…]

  • 02 December 2014

20 November 2014

Waterproofing and green roof systems provide robust solution

The systems were fitted on a rooftop garden to provide a robust Featuring a large rooftop garden which required a robust waterproofing solution, Hydrotech was chosen by BDP Architects due to it being a single-source solution which ensures the integrity of the roof for years to come. Alumasc’s technical team was brought in early on[…]

  • 20 November 2014

19 November 2014

Newton Certification Scheme ensures highly skilled contractors

The cards provide assurance to customers that contractors are properly trained Newton is issuing the cards to contractors in order to raise the standard within the industry and provide assurance to customers that they are being provided with a high level of service. The new certification system will be introduced to all nationwide Newton Specialist[…]

  • 19 November 2014

06 November 2014

Newton 803 Newtonite tackles damp problems at property

Two reception rooms showed signs of damp in the corners where walls were adjacent to the property next door and the owners wanted to rectify the problem before it got any worse. The project involved the removal of carpets, skirting boards, fires and plaster prior to installing the system over a period of seven days.[…]

  • 06 November 2014

22 October 2014

Masonry Protection Cream eradicates water ingress and mould

Energy savings Providing an end to penetrating damp from rain and producing energy savings of up to 29%, Stormdry can be applied by brush or roller and cures colourlessly to the original finish of masonry in 12 hours. Stormdry offers substrate protection for up to 30 years after a single coat and is more deeply[…]

  • 22 October 2014

21 October 2014

Newton 500 provides robust, maintainable waterproofing system

Waterproofing system eradicates water ingress at derelict basement Water was seeping through construction joints in the slab of the 1000sq metre floor area and the vertical RC walls were allowing in large amounts of liquid, with the basement being deemed unusable for a number of years. Dewatering pipes were installed on the vertical planes and[…]

  • 21 October 2014

17 October 2014

Ronafix Mix E used for waterproofing basement at Caffe Nero

The mixture provides a high strength waterproof render BBA Approved Ronafix Mix E provides high strength waterproof render Work was undertaken to convert the building into a branch of the coffee house chain Caffe Nero, with Ronacrete’s technical team recommending Ronafix Mix E in order to provide a BBA Approved, durable high strength waterproof render[…]

  • 17 October 2014

06 October 2014

Waterproofing solution from Alumasc for Cambridge Fire Station

Parkside fire station in central Cambridge The BBA approved Hydrotech system delivers a waterproofing system which will last for the lifetime of the building. Hydrotech was chosen for Cambridge Fire Station as it offered a perfect solution to deal with the large number of zero falls points on the roof. Doug McGuigan, Operations Director at installers[…]

  • 06 October 2014