The rate of registrations for UK Construction Week (UKCW), the first major construction event in two years, has got off to a record-breaking start, running at 22% higher than for the same period in 2019.
Crown Paints will be bringing home the benefits of supply chain collaboration at the forthcoming Procurement for Housing (PfH) Live conference. It will showcase its new digital ordering portal for registered social landlords.
Digital Construction Week have announced a one-week extension to the deadline for the show’s call for speakers. Applicants now have until Friday 6 August to apply to take to the stage at the 2021 event.
The ADSA Members Conference incorporating the 2021 Annual General Meeting is on the runway and scheduled for take-off. It is taking place at the RAF Museum, Cosford, on 11th November 2021.
CCF held a virtual event to highlight its aims for the rest of 2021 and successes from the last year. Catherine Gibson, Managing Director at CCF, shares key updates from the virtual event and CCF’s future plans.
Safeguard Europe Ltd, are presenting the findings of their collaborative insulation research paper to industry experts at the first International Conference on Moisture in Buildings.