ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions UK & Ireland is raising awareness of recent changes made to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) to improve fire safety in buildings.
VORTICE, which has been UK-based since 1977 and is part of the VORTICE Group, has seen a restructure of the UK division with newly appointed General Manager Stephen Smith.
Many manufacturing plants retain traditional mechanical locking solutions — sacrificing the added control which an electronic solution brings. ASSA ABLOY has more…
Door Group, a division of ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions UK & Ireland, is calling for a higher calibre of fire door inspections this Fire Door Safety Week.
Utilising an advanced thermally reactive spring as a core component of Gilberts’ latest GSJ adjustable thermal swirl, the diffuser now has a reaction time – and therefore temperature adjustment – of seconds.