Stannah had the challenge to supply and install a space-saving passenger lift in a new extension to St John The Baptist Primary School in Penistone, South Yorkshire.
Fellowes is calling on landlords, business owners and facilities managers to proactively approach occupant health with new measures, particularly as the nation returns to work.
GEZE launches ‘Helping Healthcare to Heal’, an initiative to recognise that putting patients at the centre of hospital, clinic and doctors’ surgery building design can help in the process of healing and recovery.
A panel discussion hosted by Geberit explores the future of the office post-COVID.
The return to the office has already begun. For many, the return is surprisingly good news. They miss the office and the human connections that come with it.
At Hydreaulys, a French water and waste management utility, a simple switch to ASSA ABLOY programmable key-based access control helped them make improvements on both counts.
Siderise has been recognised with a Gold Award at Mind’s fifth annual Workplace Wellbeing Awards. Ranking 21st out of the 114 organisations who took part, this award means it has successfully embedded mental health into its policies and practices.