Rinnai UK is continuing to be open for business throughout the current situation, with staff able to take any orders or enquiries via telephone or online.
The following article from SE Controls Fire Engineer Nelson Godinho CEng (IMechE) BEng(Hons) Fire Eng. covers the proposed fire safety regulatory system overhaul.
Best practice examples identified in a new checklist for local housing adaptations provision can already be met by a little care in supply chain selection, courtesy of Closomat.
Sidey recently stepped in at the 11th hour to host a Safer Communities Training event for Police Scotland, in conjunction with Scottish Police College in Fife.
Among the wide range of functions performed by glass and glazing systems, as part of the building envelope, fire safety and protecting lives are of critical importance, as SE Controls explain in this piece.
SE Controls’ OS2 SHEVTEC Controller is the latest product from the company to be tested and certified by The China Certification Centre for Fire Products (CCCF).