03 November 2014

3D printing and computer modelling is transforming engineering

The presentations revolved around the ways in which technology is changing the way that engineers work The presentation, which was delivered to CIBSE Young Engineers Network, examined the ways in which 3D printing was used in building services manufacturing and focused on how it was rolled out during the development of Monodraught’s Cool-phase system. A[…]

  • 03 November 2014

30 October 2014

Lo-Carbon EKF Kitchen Box Fan shortlisted for HVR Award

The fan has been shortlisted in the Commercial Ventilation Product of the Year category Taking place on 26th November at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel in London and organised by Heating and Ventilating Review magazine, the awards recognise the innovative products and technology within the sector. The Box Fan is fully compliant for ErP 2015 and[…]

  • 30 October 2014

17 September 2014

Men more likely to extend lunch breaks and have a pint during summer

Carried out by One Poll on behalf of air conditioning and heating specialists, Andrews Sykes Hire, the survey found that workers leave the office on average 2.3 days per week during summer, and that the extra 13 minutes adds up to more than an hour wasted per week. Those aged between 18-24 years old were[…]

  • 17 September 2014

17 September 2014

Wood burning stoves slash bills & provide stylish interior decoration

HWAM’s newest stove includes Lambda controls, commonly found in biomass boilers, that work to modulate air flow as wood’s composition changes during combustion, ensuring wood is burning at is maximum to allow customers to get more out of their fuel. The stove can make a significant contribution to reducing heating bills in an open plan,[…]

  • 17 September 2014

  • 22 August 2014

15 August 2014

BS 7346 Part 8 standard for smoke ventilation systems is a crucial life saving requirement

However, while Building Regulations Approved Document B, The Machinery Directive and The Construction Product Regulations, via the various parts of EN 12101, provide a relatively tight regulatory framework, until the BS 7346-8 Code of Practice, no single document existed that provided guidance for the industry from initial design, through installation to maintenance.   The over arching[…]

  • 15 August 2014

  • 15 August 2014

  • 06 August 2014

  • 16 July 2014

  • 08 July 2014