05 January 2016 How EN54-compliant wireless alarm systems minimise risks on construction sites Posted on 5th January 20165th January 2016 by Tom Rowbottom Paul Henson looks at why having an EN54-compliant wireless fire alarm system provides the best way of minimising risks on a construction site.
05 January 2016 What to consider when adding a basement to your home Posted on 5th January 20165th January 2016 by Tom Rowbottom Abtech Basements has provided a step-by-step guide explaining what must be considered when having a basement installed in your home.
05 January 2016 VIDEO OF THE WEEK: The best building show of 2015 Posted on 5th January 20165th January 2016 by L Howard Chapman, Buildingtalk Editor, explains why UK Construction Week is set to play a key role in the long term success of the building industry.
04 January 2016 What can we learn from 2015’s devastating floods? Posted on 4th January 2016 by Tom Rowbottom Late last year in the North of England areas of Cumbria were devastated by some of the heaviest rainfall and worst flooding Britain has seen in decades.
17 December 2015 Greening the NHS Estate in Scotland Posted on 17th December 2015 by Tom Rowbottom Kevin Lafferty explains how a unique project to increase NHS Greenspace is helping to improve health and wellbeing outcomes in Scotland…
16 December 2015 What do architects and contractors need to ask their partners about BIM? Posted on 16th December 20154th January 2016 by Tom Rowbottom SpaceZero Managing Director Wayne Taylor explains why it is important for architects and contractors to understand how their project partners use BIM…
16 December 2015 Construction sector missing out on £6.4bn a year due to poor management Posted on 16th December 201516th December 2015 by Tom Rowbottom Recent research by Investors in People has shown that poor management of people in construction costs the sector £6.4bn in lost output every year.
16 December 2015 Refurbish or build new – from an energy saving perspective Posted on 16th December 201520th March 2019 by Tom Rowbottom Danny Phelan, sales manager at Panel Systems, looks at the age old conundrum of whether to demolish and build new or refurbish an existing building…
16 December 2015 UK urged to wise-up on water consumption Posted on 16th December 2015 by Tom Rowbottom Changes in climate, population and developing urban landscapes have resulted in serious domestic water issues that will change how we value water.
14 December 2015 Lendlease’s Burntwood School awarded RIBA Stirling Prize Posted on 14th December 201515th December 2015 by Tom Rowbottom The new campus design for Burntwood Schoolin Wandsworth marks a culmination of Lendlease’s diverse ten-year involvement with AHMM…