Calls have been made to recognise energy efficiency as a national infrastructure priority, in response to figures concerning the UK’s failing housing stock.
A new report claims the UK can become entirely self-sufficient for its energy needs if businesses and policymakers support existing low-carbon technologies.
Reynaers has stated that it is already helping to meet the aims and proposals of the latest government white paper, ‘Fixing our broken housing market’.
Sadiq Khan has reiterated the importance of access to a skilled workforce post-Brexit, after figures revealed that 95,000 of London’s construction workforce are from the EU.
Water infrastructure has been successfully maintained by the UK’s water authorities as the majority of British customers cannot choose their water supplier.
London has topped Timetric’s Construction Intelligence Centre list of 50 Construction Mega Cities which looks at project pipelines in cities worldwide.
The majority of countries within the EU are not ready to take advantage of the benefits of smart building technology, according to a study by the BPIE.