Crown has announced the introduction of a new product guide for its innovative Fastflow range, making life as straightforward as possible for its customers.
A Nottinghamshire college’s recent redevelopment has allowed for new buildings, facilities and opportunities, and Dulux Trade has been involved in the update.
In support of Dementia Action Week, Dulux Trade has launched its new evidence-based Healthcare Colour Palette to guarantee all healthcare environments are as dementia friendly as possible.
Crown Paints will be addressing key issues of fire safety, colour schemes and maintenance cycles at the upcoming Procurement for Housing (PfH) Live conference.
Decorative specialists Armourcoat will be a headline sponsor at this year’s Clerkenwell Design Week, where they will also be introducing their new acoustic plaster system.
A new £1.3m Business Studies and Computing facility at Churchill Academy & Sixth Form in North Somerset has received design help from pupils, thanks to Dulux Smarter Spaces.
SiOO:X is a patented (WO2007111556), silicon-based, two-part wood surface treatment process that was developed in Sweden over 15 years ago, where it finds extensive use in the DIY market. ABC&D magazine discovered more…