As another decade kicks off, Merseyside based family-owned business Hemsec has demonstrated its appetite for further growth, with the appointment of new Sales Manager, Sarah Gazzola.
Best practice examples identified in a new checklist for local housing adaptations provision can already be met by a little care in supply chain selection, courtesy of Closomat.
As it continually strives to offer improvements to customers, Durapipe has enhanced its range of PLX Electrofusion Control Units to offer choice and flexibility to installers.
Hush Panel CEM 28 is Hush Acoustics’ exceptional high mass acoustic floorboard, made from cement particle board and covered with its exclusive Hush Felt 10mm resilient layer.
Among the wide range of functions performed by glass and glazing systems, as part of the building envelope, fire safety and protecting lives are of critical importance, as SE Controls explain in this piece.
As part of this year’s VE Day 75 celebrations (May 8 – 10), Hambleside Danelaw is raising money for Combat Stress, the UK’s leading charity for veterans mental health.
HDR | Andrew Reid has been appointed as Chair of the Battersea Steering Committee, to provide commissioning consultancy services across the Battersea Power Station redevelopment project.