As part of the ‘Tug-O-Waka Challenge’, visitors will get ‘hands-on’ proof of Wakaflex’s unbeatable bond strength, with the first ten to do so being awarded a prize.
A community project in Dalmarnock is working with the local children at Baltic Street Adventure Playground (BSAP) to build a Wikihouse in their playground.
The Bright Building has been acknowledged as a true sustainability exemplar having the highest BREEAM Outstanding rating ever seen in the education sector.
CP Assessments has benefited from a range of shower drains, donated by Harmer Drainage, to be used when teaching students how to install grated drainage.
Spec-it! is a new performance search function to help architects, specifiers and customers build specifications tailored to their project requirements.
Saracen Interiors has appointed a new business development manager to help build on its established portfolio in London and the South East and consolidate its profile in the Midlands and the North.