Richard Beaman of Valor and Robinson Willey considers the benefits of focal point fires for social housing and weighs up the benefits of gas and electric models.
Andrew Orriss of SIG360, discusses why the private housing sector should adopt the same methods as social housing in its drive to improve energy efficiency.
The UK’s healthcare sector spends over £400m per year on energy, with heating alone accounting for as much as 60% of a typical building’s total energy bill.
Paul Read and Linda Bonnin discuss the considerate transformation of a former WWII hospital in Dorset into a range of affordable housing and care facilities.
According to David Lawrence, forward thinking and high quality schemes to renovate housing stock are a cost-effective, more environmentally friendly option.
CMS has continued its ‘ten donations for ten years’ anniversary initiative by donating £1,000 to a community-led children’s adventure playground in Glasgow.