Delta Membranes

06 August 2020

The Best Design Philosophy for continuity of waterproofing systems from Delta

A Waterproofing Designer’s philosophy defines what they wish to accomplish in the design of their waterproofing system and which principles they will use to do so, as Delta Membranes explain here.

  • 06 August 2020

  • 06 August 2020


05 August 2020

GGF appoints new Health, Safety and Environment Manager

The Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) has announced the appointment of James MacPherson as Health, Safety and Environment Manager.

  • 05 August 2020


05 August 2020

Recofloor restarts waste vinyl flooring collections

Collections of waste vinyl flooring through the Recofloor take-back scheme will restart from 3 August, with the full service being temporarily suspended in April due to the COVID-19 lockdown.

  • 05 August 2020


04 August 2020

Daylight in your home: So much more than just a ‘feel-good’ factor – NARM

Airy interiors are at the top of the list of aspirational features for homebuyers, renovators and self-builders; natural daylight brings a raft of benefits way beyond the obvious ‘feel-good’ factor, as the NARM explain here.

  • 04 August 2020


03 August 2020

Minimising impacts from flooding and measures to rapidly recover – Delta

Here, Delta’s Technical Waterproofing Consultant, Michael Vernon, gives advice on minimising negative impacts from flood events and measures to rapidly recover from a flood event.

  • 03 August 2020

  • 03 August 2020

Imperial Bricks

03 August 2020

Imperial launches linear handmade bricks

Imperial Bricks has launched a new, long format range, allowing architects and specifiers to create bold design statements and standout facades.

  • 03 August 2020

  • 30 July 2020


30 July 2020

Lakes awarded Best Bathroom Manufacturer three years running

At the BMJ Industry Awards on Friday 17 July, leading manufacturer of showering spaces, Lakes, won the prestigious ‘Best Bathroom Manufacturer’ award for the third consecutive year.

  • 30 July 2020