Trivallis, one of the largest social landlords in Wales, chose the free-of-charge roof specification service offered by Redland when tasked with re-roofing the Maerdy estate in Rhondda, South Wales.
The roof of an occupied 1930s art deco municipal office building, situated in Blackpool, has had Kemper System’s Stratex Warm Roof system, using its Kemperol V210, specified for it.
IKO PLC and Sussex Asphalte Ltd recently bagged a UK Roofing Award for Best Mastic Asphalt Project, in recognition of their work on the Stone Gallery in St Paul’s Cathedral.
Kestrel approved installers can now fit a job today and guarantee the materials on the spot, courtesy of its new app which can give homeowners a 35-year extended guarantee.
At the heart of NARM is its influential Technical Committee, comprising leading experts in the design, manufacture and application of rooflights across all sectors.