Airtech Solutions is offering expert advice and help to social housing providers and private landlords following the publication of recent Government guidance.
Freefoam Building Products Ltd has been awarded Gold status by the Supply Chain Sustainability School (SCSS). This comes just a few months after achieving Silver
Leading British ventilation manufacturer Vent-Axia welcomes the UK Government’s recent guidance ‘Understanding and addressing the health risks of damp and mould in the home’.
Recofloor hosted several pop-up visits and trade events at flooring distributors during summer 2023, which provided an excellent opportunity to introduce how the waste vinyl flooring collection scheme works.
The latest figures from the Builders Merchant Building Index (BMBI), published in September, reveal builders’ merchants’ value sales were down -0.4% in July, compared to the same month in 2022.
Breathing Buildings introduces the new NVHRe to its award-winning range of Natural Ventilation with Heat Recycling (NVHR®) systems, raising the bar on energy efficient ventilation.