• 20 August 2018


20 August 2018

Raising the Roof and Standards: How Smartroof is addressing the Performance Gap

Smartroof is manufactured in a factory environment governed by strict quality procedures; an important factor in the drive to close the performance gap.

  • 20 August 2018

  • 17 August 2018

  • 16 August 2018

  • 15 August 2018

Axion Polymers

15 August 2018

Axion Polymers welcomes MEP to recycling sites

Axion Polymers recently hosted a visit at its Manchester recycling facilities for the Lead MEP and appointed Rapporteur for drawing up regulations on POPs.

  • 15 August 2018

  • 13 August 2018


10 August 2018

Kiwa offers cleaner heat cashback

Kiwa Gastec has announced a collaboration with the Energy Saving Trust (EST) on the delivery of the Mayor of London’s Cleaner Heat Cashback Scheme.

  • 10 August 2018

  • 10 August 2018

07 August 2018

Crown launches 100% recycled paint containers

Crown Paints is demonstrating its commitment to sustainability as the first paint manufacturer in the UK to launch 100% recycled paint containers.

  • 07 August 2018