Following a recent surge in the number of EWI installations, Structherm is encouraging social landlords and those in the refurbishment industry to read its six point guide to external wall insulation system specification.
Over the past few years, the government’s retrofit programmes have encouraged a rise in the number of external wall insulation (EWI) installations.
However, when choosing an EWI system, specifiers can be faced with an array of options and, thus, potential pitfalls. These problems may hinder their work, and prevent them from achieving optimum efficiency in their results.
To help structural engineers, social landlords, home owners and others involved in refurbishment projects to follow the best practice, Structherm has released a new white paper.
Entitled ‘6 things to check’, the new guide aims to help its readers to avoid common problems, whilst saving time and money. Written in a reader-friendly way to simplify the process, the guide offers impartial tips on correct specification.
It contains advice on a number of important considerations, such as:
The white paper can be downloaded via Structherm’s website
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Posted in Articles, Building Industry News, Building Regulations & Accreditations, Building Services, Information Technology, Research & Materials Testing