Fan convectors provide low temperature, renewable energy heating system

  • 14 Jul 2014

SmartRad radiators comprise of a thermostat to avoid wasteful temperature overshoot and produce temperatures as low as 40 degrees Celsius, making them ideal for use alongside heat pumps as part of a complete renewable energy heating system.

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Hambleside Danelaw

Verging on Perfection: Hambleside Danelaw’s Verg Family

The verge is generally the location on a roof where the tiles end at the gable, this is a potential point of weakness in the weatherproofing of the roof. Hambleside Danelaw produce a variety of solutions to meet the requirements for the securing and weatherproofing of various tile types.

Posted in Articles, Building Industry News, Building Products & Structures, Building Systems, Concrete, Cement, Admixtures, Restoration & Refurbishment, Retrofit & Renovation, Roofs
