Greenwood Airvac has produced an infographic to explain the benefits of a ventilation review. Click here to open it
Greenwood Airvac has designed its free ventilation review to help social housing landlords deal with unsuitable ventilation.
The Ventilation Review will provide them with an effective way to deal with condensation, high humidity levels and mould.
These variables can all have a detrimental impact on a house’s ventilation system.
Greenwood Airvac has designed a proactive ventilation strategy: first, a Greenwood Assessor will ask a landlord questions to understand their current ventilation situation.
Ventilation effectiveness will then be discussed. The Greenwood Assessor will explain what variables have an impact on the performance of a fan and how they can be prevented.
Once the Assessor understands the situation, they will recommend an adaptive and flexible ventilation solution.
The Assessor will then arrange for a free trial to take place across the landlord’s housing stock.
To qualify for Greenwood Airvac’s free ventilation review, visitors can sign up at the company’s stand at the CIH Conference.
The Conference is scheduled to take place in Brighton from 3rd March until 5th March 2015.
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