Geberit sanitary systems training + complimentary framing system

  • 23 Mar 2015

Installers booking on to sanitary systems training with Geberit will take home a free Geberit Duofix WC framing system and flush plate, worth over £250

Geberit Duofix framing system offers installers an efficient, reliable method of wall-mounting WCs in virtually any bathroom or washroom situation.

Geberit sanitary systems training

Installers can book for free sanitary systems training at the Geberit’s Training Academies in Warwick and Dublin, offering hands-on experience of fitting Geberit’s products. They will also receive a complimentary Geberit Duofix framing system, complete with flush plate, retails at more than £250.

The sanitary systems training, which is being held in the UK and Ireland throughout the year, gives installers an insight into the latest techniques used for fitting and maintaining wall-hung sanitaryware.

Dates below for the next round of sanitary systems training:


  • 26 March
  • 14 May
  • 16 September
  • 26 November


  • 9 September                                      
  • 23 September                                    
  • 7 October
  • 21 October

To book your place and claim your free Geberit Duofix frame and flush plate:

email [email protected]

or call 0800 0778 365

Geberit House
Edgehill Drive
CV34 6NH

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