Newton 803 Newtonite tackles damp problems at property

  • 6 Nov 2014

Two reception rooms showed signs of damp in the corners where walls were adjacent to the property next door and the owners wanted to rectify the problem before it got any worse.

The project involved the removal of carpets, skirting boards, fires and plaster prior to installing the system over a period of seven days.

The owners carried out the dot and dab plaster boarding method after following advice from the Newton website, with walls being re-plastered and allowed to dry before new skirting, fires and carpets were fitted.

The project was easy to carry out and stress free according to the homeowners and the property is now completely damp free.

Key benefits of Newton 803 Newtonite

  • Provides a surface that is completely separated and unaffected by dampness within the wall to ensure that it will not be affected by moisture or salts
  • Injected damp proof courses that pump chemicals into a property are not needed
  • The membrane is moisture resistant and allows for vapour diffusion
  • The existing render can be left on the wall in the majority of cases
  • There is no requirement for damaging preparation to the wall surface

What can Newtonite Meshed Membrane be used for?

  • As a damp-proof base for renders, plasters or dot and dab plasterboard
  • As a damp proofing system for dealing with rising damp
  • Protection for exposed elevations against wind driven rain
  • As an external plaster base for timber frame structures

Newton Waterproofing Systems,
Newton House,
17-20 Sovereign Way,
United Kingdom,

Phone: 01732 496 513
Fax: 01732 359 033
E-mail: [email protected]


Visit Newton Waterproofing System's website

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