Newton Waterproofing

Revolutionising Waterproofing in 2017

  • 29 Jun 2017

The Newton Waterproofing Index is a waterproofing specification tool, introduced to the UK construction industry by Newton Waterproofing Systems.

The tool aims to provide specifiers with an effective means of assessing the ability of a waterproofing specification to successfully protect any earth-retaining or below-ground structure.

The type and quality of structure is assessed, in addition to the type(s) of waterproofing being used.

The NWI scoring system is based around the classifications outlined within British standard 8102:2009, the ‘Code of Practice for Protection of Below Ground Structures Against Water from the Ground’. The primary example of this is in the Index’s use of the British Standard’s three ‘Grades’ of internal environment as the basis for its scoring system of waterproofing designs.

The standard defines its three environmental grades through an intrinsic link to the intended use of the space. Pairing these two design parameters allows a clear and concise waterproofing approach based on the risk of water ingress to a structure.

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The NWI assessment of a specification is represented as an NWI ‘score’ that can be used to judge each waterproofing specification.

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The NWI employs the prefixes of 1, 2 and 3 to indicate the score, based on the Grade classifications of 8102:2009, and so the habitable Grade, that can be achieved with each specification.

Scores within 1.0 and 1.9 are the lowest and can only achieve Grade 1 environment and a score of 4.0 is the highest possible mark reserved for the Newton Protected Basement specifications, guaranteed to always remain dry.

These specifications not only employ Type A, B and C waterproofing, but when installed and maintained by a Newton Specialist Basement Contractor, will also be guaranteed under the unique Newton Protected Basement Guarantee with ten years of latent defects cover.



Newton’s team of technical experts appoint NWI scores to individual waterproofing designs. Scores are indicated by colour-coded logos on each of Newton’s specifications, and which can be appointed to new designs once they have been assessed by the Newton team.

The NWI scores indicate the internal grade, however many scores will span a range. The lower scores refer to the level of protection that can be comfortably achieved with less than perfect workmanship, whilst the upper score is what can be achieved with good workmanship by those that are trained in all aspects of the installation.

This scoring system provides designers with the ability to accurately assess designs, safe in the knowledge that the level of waterproofing protection is in compliance with the predominant industry guidelines.

The NWI can be applied to all below ground and earth-retaining structures, regardless of geographical area.

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Certain specifications will only be suitable for either new-build or refurbishment projects, the important factor on all projects is that the NWI score of the design is considered as early as possible as part of the initial building specification.

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Ultimately, Newton aims to make the complex process of assessing and specifying waterproofing systems as simple and understandable as possible. 

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Newton Waterproofing Systems,
Newton House,
17-20 Sovereign Way,
United Kingdom,

Phone: 01732 360 095
Fax: 01732 359 033
E-mail: [email protected]


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