Rain Bird’s flexible IQ-Cloud and TBOS battery irrigation controller

  • 26 Apr 2017

Rain Bird‘s IQ-Cloud platform for water management and TBOS battery irrigation controller combination ensure higher levels of scalability and flexibility over the internet.

Rainbird’s IQ-Cloud platform has been designed to provide remote control of commercial irrigation systems. On-site visits to locally program the device are no longer necessary as the platform can now be used to program the company’s battery operated TBOS-II irrigation controller.

When AC mains power is not available, TBOS-II provides automatic irrigation and is ideal for applications such as municipal parks, remote landscapes and construction projects.

The unit is fully waterproof and submersible with it’s IP68 rating, in addition to being very durable with resistance to humid and harsh environments.

IQ-Cloud is accessible via the web from a desktop computer, tablet or smartphone and allows users to manage a TBOS-II installation. It communicates with TBOS-II via a Rain Bird ESP-LX series controller fitted with a communication cartridge, enabling IQ-Cloud irrigation water management tools to be employed.

The TBOS-II controllers can be installed up to 15km away with the use of Rain Bird’s range extending relays.

Remotely, users are now able to automatically schedule irrigation based on adjusted weather, check in real time how zones and irrigation systems are performing, provide information on flow rates, generate management reports on topics such as water usage that can be shared automatically by email.

The TBOS-II control module is powered by a long life 9 volt alkaline battery and needs only two short pulses of electricity to function so that battery life is as long as one year. The module’s latching solenoid is mounted on the irrigation valve and connected to the ESP-LX controller by radio signal.

TBOS-II is available with 1, 2, 4, or 6 stations and each can be assigned 3 programs with 8 start times. Set up times and operating costs are reduced as the complementary TBOS-II field transmitter is no-longer required for day to day programming with IQ-Cloud now managing the entire operation. In addition, this conserves water and ensures highly effective irrigation management without mains electricity.

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