As HSE RIDGAS statistics found that ten people died in 2013 from gas related incidents in the UK and 343 injuries were reported, the fourth annual Gas Safety week aims to highlight the dangers of using gas appliances and the importance of carrying out checks at least once a year.
Aico’s involvement demonstrates its commitment to teaching installers, social and private landlords about gas safety products, which if left unchecked can cause gas leaks, fires, explosions and CO poisoning.
The company has published a range of support literature and an online CO alarm specification tool to help encourage best practice and ensure that products meet the highest level of safety standards.
With 23 million gas consumers in the UK, Gas Safety Week is a crucial initiative aimed at preventing serious injury or death, providing information to the public on how to ensure that appliances meet industry regulations.
For more information on what CO is, why it is so dangerous and how to detect it, visit the Gas Safety Week page on the Aico website, where details and registration for the Ei208 Alarm competition will be available.
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Stannah Lifts, a leading provider of lift solutions, is calling on businesses and facility managers to act now and upgrade their lift communications systems to ensure they are ready for the UK’s new high-speed, GSM digital network.
Posted in Accessibility, Articles, Building Industry News, Building Products & Structures, Building Regulations & Accreditations, Building Services, Facility Management & Building Services, Health & Safety, Information Technology, Interiors, Lifts, Restoration & Refurbishment, Retrofit & RenovationDelta Membranes has recently worked on a project whereby the scope was to provide a waterproofing solution to a newly constructed lift pit for a four-storey residential block.
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Posted in Articles, Building Industry News, Building Products & Structures, Case Studies, Interiors, Paints, Paints, Coatings & Finishes, Posts, Restoration & Refurbishment, Retrofit & RenovationAs the sponsor of the Engineer of the Year award at the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Building Performance Awards, Ideal Heating Commercial was delighted to present the award to Volkan Doda, Head of Design Technologies at Atelier Ten.
Posted in Articles, Awards, Building Associations & Institutes, Building Industry Events, Building Industry News, Building Products & Structures, Building Services, Facility Management & Building Services, Heating Systems, Controls and Management, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - HVAC, Pipes, Pipes & Fittings, Plumbing, Retrofit & Renovation