Danish-manufactured Troldtekt panels are commonly specified across the UK and Europe – here’s how they have been used in a pair of projects in their homeland.
Gilberts is helping follow-on trades deliver a high end finish by attention to detail in its product design, courtesy of the introduction of a slimline plaster in border to its Series L range of linear grilles.
A new four-storey school in Didsbury features Rockfon ceilings from four ranges, which were specified to suit particular needs throughout the facility.
Since March, all tenants – whether in private or social accommodation – can now sue their landlords if their homes have health-damaging defects, as Safeguard Europe explain here.
Excessive noise and poor speech intelligibility within village halls in England may well become a thing of the past – Sound Reduction Systems explain more…
The problem of designing and installing effective ventilation without ‘dumping’ cost-efficiently has been overcome with refinements at Gilberts Blackpool.