Venues can open their doors to a wider range of people by improving their accessible facilities, while having the cost match funded by the Government, explain Closomat.
Best value for everyone is being delivered as a result of ‘joined up’ thinking by project teams at a local Council, with the help of Closomat; the end results of which will help deliver a unique tourism opportunity.
Cardiff Council’s measures to enable pupils with special needs to integrate as fully as possible into mainstream school life have involved Closomat’s services.
Tamworth Borough Council is utilising the latest toilet technology from Closomat to deliver enhanced facilities for everyone who lives in, or visit, the town.
Toilet facilities claiming to be the busiest in London are now open again, but this time around for everyone, courtesy of a complete transformation by Closomat.
An iconic landmark never before open to the public will be opening its gates for the first time; it will be open to ALL, because of its WCs, thanks to Closomat.
Ullapool Harbour Trust recently installed a Changing Places assisted accessible facility to ensure disabled people can visit knowing it has appropriate toilets