Airtech, the condensation, mould and radon specialists, is once again supporting UK Radon Awareness Week (6 – 12 November 2023) by helping raise awareness of the gas.
Airtech Solutions is offering expert advice and help to social housing providers and private landlords following the publication of recent Government guidance.
There’s no doubt that condensation is an important topic in our industry. But your time is precious, so Selectaglaze is bringing everything together in one easy-to-read guide.
The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) and Mitsubishi Electric have launched the ‘Mould and Damp Prevention in New and Existing Homes’ Guide during BESA’s sixth Annual Conference.
VORTICE, which has been UK-based since 1977 and is part of the VORTICE Group, has seen a restructure of the UK division with newly appointed General Manager Stephen Smith.
Stop hiding symptoms and start preventing problems with Safeguard Europe’s series of free Continuing Professional Development webinars this September, October and November.
The Lineo in-line mixed flow extractor fan is a firm favourite from VORTICE and now offers a plethora of models, including the Lineo Quiet and the energy saving Lineo ES.