The industry leading sustainability scheme, Kick Out the Can, will return on Monday for two weeks through Crown Paints’ national network of Crown Decorating Centres.
Utilising a Glazing Vision fixed Eaves roof light, a contemporary extension has been designed and built with a real ‘wow factor’ product at the forefront.
Hoarding solutions specialist Plasloc has achieved Carbon Neutral status for offsetting its greenhouse gas emissions associated with its operations in the 2019 calendar year.
A wide range of colours and ease of installation are just two reasons why Weatherproof Systems chose Freefoam cladding to transform homes across Devon and beyond.
Wernick’s acquisition of AVDanzer means the company will add additional manufacturing capabilities and increase its fleet with more than 2,000 cabins and modular bays.
Lakes, a carbon neutral company and leading manufacturer of showering spaces, has appointed Mike Gahir as a Director – he joined the family-owned business last month to help accelerate Lakes’ long-term strategy.
It was great to read the government is backing the Construction Leadership Council Roadmap to Recovery, according to David J. Symes, Director at Delta Membranes
SE Controls have appointed Alex Luk as Director for South-East Asia, where he will oversee and develop the company’s operations in this vital region from its Asia office in Hong Kong.