07 December 2020

Contour introduces bespoke air conditioning guards

Contour’s air conditioning guards are made to cover existing or built-in air conditioning units to provide you with a bespoke guard to meet your unique needs.

Contour Heating

18 November 2020

What LST Radiator Valve Options are Suitable for Hospital Environments – Contour

Contour often get asked questions about radiator valves and which is best suited for specific environments; this piece sees the company talk through the best valve options for hospital environments. 

Contour Heating

23 October 2020

Launch of Baxi Assure offers the complete home service for contractors

As the UK moves towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and an ever-growing demand for housing, Baxi has launched a suite of products and services for heating and hot water systems – Baxi Assure.


14 October 2020

Contour ask where LST Radiators should be located?

LST radiator guards are the part of the radiator responsible for ensuring individuals cannot burn themselves if they decide to or accidentally touch the radiator for any reason – Contour explain more here.  Despite their level of safety, it is important LST radiators are placed in an optimal location in order to provide the highest comfort levels. If[…]


13 October 2020

Wall-to-wall LST Radiators: Is this possible? Contour asks

When it comes to the heating needs of your space, it is possible wall to wall LST radiators may offer the best solutions and benefits, as Contour explain here…


13 October 2020

Next generation district heating pipework from REHAU

In light of government net zero targets and green initiatives, polymer specialist REHAU has released its latest generation of its pre-insulated pipework to help specifiers and contractors deliver low carbon district heat networks.