28 August 2018 10 reasons Contour LST radiators are the best choice for schools Posted on 28th August 201823rd August 2018 by Emma Jarrett There are a number of reasons that Contour believes LST radiators can improve the quality and safety of heating in educational environments.
24 August 2018 Contour Heating discusses the safety of radiator covers Posted on 24th August 201823rd August 2018 by Emma Jarrett Just how safe are radiator covers? Contour radiator covers have been designed specifically to eliminate the risks of regular radiators.
23 August 2018 Introducing Contour Heating’s New Commercial Director: Robin Mansell Posted on 23rd August 2018 by Emma Jarrett Contour Heating Products has announced that Robin Mansell has been promoted to the role of Commercial Director of Contour Heating.
22 August 2018 Screwfix talks smart homes in preparation for the future Posted on 22nd August 2018 by Emma Jarrett Rhian Bartlett, Trading Director at Screwfix looks at the latest home automation trends and the many benefits that digital technology can bring to our homes.
22 August 2018 A Contour Heating Article: What Size Are LST Radiators For Schools? Posted on 22nd August 201821st August 2018 by Emma Jarrett Contour Heating recognises that each school is an individual learning environment that caters to the individual needs of its students and staff.
21 August 2018 A Contour Heating article: Why You Need LST Radiators In Your Nursery School Posted on 21st August 201821st August 2018 by Emma Jarrett With Contour’s low surface temperature range, you can eliminate the risk of burns, allowing children to learn and play risk-free in nurseries.
13 August 2018 Check out the Rinnai HD55i Posted on 13th August 2018 by Max Banner Rinnai have introduced the HD55i, a heavy duty, high efficiency gas fired continuous flow water heating unit with optimal fuel consumption.
10 August 2018 Kiwa offers cleaner heat cashback Posted on 10th August 2018 by Emma Jarrett Kiwa Gastec has announced a collaboration with the Energy Saving Trust (EST) on the delivery of the Mayor of London’s Cleaner Heat Cashback Scheme.
01 August 2018 Rinnai appoints new sales consultant in London Posted on 1st August 2018 by Max Banner Rinnai has announced the appointment of Lewis McLeggan as Sales Consultant for the London area.
30 July 2018 Colouring The Classroom with Contour: Colour LST Radiator Covers For Schools Posted on 30th July 2018 by Emma Jarrett When you re-shape your learning spaces with Contour, you can choose from our RAL chart to order LST radiator covers in any colour you like.