Vent-Axia welcomes the publication of the amended PAS 2035/2030:2023, which now aligns with Approved Document F (Means of Ventilation) of the Building Regulations.
The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) and Mitsubishi Electric have launched the ‘Mould and Damp Prevention in New and Existing Homes’ Guide during BESA’s sixth Annual Conference.
Poor indoor air quality contributes to respiratory and allergy problems. Inadequate ventilation creates ideal conditions for condensation and mould growth. Vectaire’s MVHRs help tackle these problems.
Market-leading British ventilation manufacturer, Vent-Axia, is delighted to support BEAMA’s ‘Guidance for Improving Indoor Air Quality in Existing Homes’.
Passivent has been working with TG Escapes eco buildings since early 2019, providing its hybrid ventilation system for use in their modular buildings which are constructed offsite at their factory in Coventry.
For a natural or hybrid ventilation solution in schools and other educational facilities, Passivent can provide design expertise and technical support acquired over 40 years of business.