With Keller, trends are introduced before they become widespread; the company has always been a design pioneer. The new Modern Urban scheme is perfect for contemporary kitchen interiors where design and affordability go hand in hand.
Keller Kitchens, the leading Dutch kitchen manufacturer, has made significant strides in expanding its operations with a series of bold investments aimed at increasing production capacity and reinforcing the company’s pioneering commitment to sustainability.
Since 2021, DKG (parent company of Keller Kitchens and Bruynzeel) and ZLTO (association of farmers and horticulturists in the Dutch provinces Zeeland, North Brabant and South Gelderland) have been working together on a five-year pilot project – ‘Carbon Farming for CO2-storage in farmland’.
As the sun was shining at Gut Böckel Estate in Germany, Keller Kitchens enjoyed a successful show with record numbers in attendance where visitors were presented with all the new product launches for 2025.
Keller Kitchens has been reassessed by Kiwa, a European institute that is involved in the certification of processes, products, employees and organisations. Once again, the company passed with flying colours!
This article sees Jeffrey Carol, Keller’s Factory Director, answer questions about how the company’s operation functions and his unusual path to the top of his game…