Leading British ventilation manufacturer Vent-Axia has published a free eBook, ‘Ensuring Safe Housing Conditions: Focusing on Mould and Damp Conditions’.
Leading British ventilation manufacturer Vent-Axia has welcomed the UK Government setting a date of October 2025 for Awaab’s Law to be introduced across the social housing sector.
Tinytag data loggers are used to assess the performance of heating and ventilation systems, and building products such as insulation materials, as well as overall energy efficiency.
Airtech Solutions is offering expert advice and help to social housing providers and private landlords following the publication of recent Government guidance.
Last month, the UK government released new damp and mould guidance for landlords. Current government and building industry policy communicates a ‘zero tolerance’ attitude to mould in all sectors of the housing market. Safeguard Europe has more…
VORTICE, which has been UK-based since 1977 and is part of the VORTICE Group, has seen a restructure of the UK division with newly appointed General Manager Stephen Smith.
As the energy crisis gather pace, households are increasingly likely to be in the position where they are unable to afford to properly heat their homes this winter. Vent Axia has more…
As the energy crisis continues and households face rising bills, many vulnerable social housing residents are unable to afford adequate heating. This article comes from Airtech…