External noise has been kicked into touch by a bespoke secondary glazing system, supplied by Granada Glazing, at the historic Stock Exchange Hotel in central Manchester.
Crown Paints has announced its involvement in a new project that offers a state-of-the-art hub of inspiration for architects and designers in Manchester.
Demand for quality recycled polymers is at record levels due to extra demand from a wide variety of industry and manufacturing sectors, according to Manchester-based plastics recycler Axion Polymers.
Schools and colleges looking for sustainable solutions to student comfort and wellbeing should visit Mitsubishi Electric on Stand C27 at next week’s Education Estates exhibition in Manchester.
Crown Paints will be bringing home the benefits of supply chain collaboration at the forthcoming Procurement for Housing (PfH) Live conference. It will showcase its new digital ordering portal for registered social landlords.
Crown Paints announces it is among the first brands involved in creating a new hub of inspiration in Manchester for architects and designers, opening in Autumn 2021.
Significant investment into projects in the North West is driving demand for specific solutions that can keep buildings quieter and warmer, according to Mike Latham of Granada Secondary Glazing.
C-TEC’s revolutionary Hush Pro BS 5839-6 Grade C domestic fire detection and alarm system has been chosen for three iconic tower block developments in Manchester.