Erlev school in Denmark’s Haderslev is visionary and award-winning for many reasons. With all columns and beams being wooden, it is one of the largest timber structures to be constructed in the country for some time. Troldtekt panels feature there…
The use of flame retardant panels in construction is far from a new idea, but the innovation in manufacture and performance in panels has been significant, if little understood. Stuart Devoil, Group Head of Marketing at James Latham brings some of that innovation to light.
Troldtekt ceiling panels have made a major contribution to the Enterprise Centre at the University of East Anglia, known as the greenest building in the UK.
Danish-manufactured Troldtekt panels are commonly specified across the UK and Europe – here’s how they have been used in a pair of projects in their homeland.
Urban activities traditionally consigned to the urban landscape are now being embraced by the mainstream and incorporated into the interior sports environment, as Troldtekt discuss here…
The case for designing and building schools in a way that contributes to positive student wellbeing grows ever stronger as new research comes to light, as Sound Reduction Systems explores here…
Modern Methods of Construction are a new broom sweeping through the UK Building sector, with traditional brick walls starting to get brushed aside. Hemsec have taken a closer look…
Students at the renowned King’s College School in Cambridge are getting active in their new Sports & Cultural Centre, constructed with the use of the offsite Kingspan TEK Cladding Panels.
The Lower Mill Estate, a development in the Cotswolds, is offering holiday homemakers the best in bespoke, energy efficient properties, with the help of the Kingspan TEK Building System.