Sound Reduction Systems

13 February 2020

Sound advice for improving student wellbeing with Sound Reduction Systems

The case for designing and building schools in a way that contributes to positive student wellbeing grows ever stronger as new research comes to light, as Sound Reduction Systems explores here…


04 February 2020

Hemsec’s case for metal-faced composite panels for construction

Modern Methods of Construction are a new broom sweeping through the UK Building sector, with traditional brick walls starting to get brushed aside. Hemsec have taken a closer look…

Kingspan TEK

11 September 2019

Kingspan TEK sports centre is fit for King’s

Students at the renowned King’s College School in Cambridge are getting active in their new Sports & Cultural Centre, constructed with the use of the offsite Kingspan TEK Cladding Panels.

Kingspan TEK

11 July 2019

Troldtekt supplies the noise solution for redeveloped London museum

Troldtekt was recently chosen to help solve the problem of noise as part of the redevelopment of London’s once-neglected Gunnersbry Park Museum.


24 June 2019

The Quiet Fun Solution with Troldtekt

The London Gunnnersbury Park Museum is a prime example of how high-performance acoustic solutions, from companies such as Troldtekt, can solve the problem of noise in public places.
