Pop Up Power Supplies® range of power units are ideal for use at many of the United Kingdom’s historic buildings and heritage sites, due to the simplicity and safety they offer.
Good design for the public realm can often be undermined by the practical need to provide access to power, water and other services; Pop Up Power Supplies® recognises this and can address it.
Safe, reliable power supply units, which are there when you need them and hidden when you don’t, are vital for universities and colleges, says Pop Up Power Supplies®.
Easy and safe accessibility to power and water supplies is crucial for sports venues looking to maintain a competitive edge – Pop Up Power Supplies® can help.
The value of parks and green spaces in Britain is expansive, but that’s only part of what they can offer the hearts of local communities, say Pop Up Power Supplies.
Replacing traditional service bollards with retractable, pop up service units or in ground units could help minimise health and safety risks at marinas and moorings, say Pop Up Power Supplies.