BMI Icopal

28 February 2019

BMI Icopal hot melt provides great result for sports area

Pupils at a South East London school can now enjoy sport at height, thanks to the timely completion of a rooftop ‘multi-use games area’ (MUGA), courtesy of BMI Icopal.


25 February 2019

Freefoam working its grey back to you

2019 has kicked off brilliantly for Freefoam customers, with the addition of Square and Ogee gutter in the popular Anthracite Grey colour option, to help them gain market share in a growing sector.

Tudor Roof Tiles

19 February 2019

Tudor roof tiles scoops a win in the Pitched Roofing Awards

Tudor Roof Tiles Co Ltd, Britain’s foremost independent handmade clay roof tile manufacturer, has scooped a win in the first ever national Pitched Roofing Awards.

31 January 2019

BMI provides safety and security for Romilly Primary School

Thanks to recent work from BMI UK & Ireland and its BMI Redland and BMI Icopal products, Romilly Primary School is now set up for the future.

Kee Systems