Safeguard Europe – the UK’s leading specialist in damp-proofing and waterproofing technology – has won the Sustainability Award in the Property Care Association’s Best Practice Awards.
This piece from Safeguard Europe explores how renters with private landlords are more likely to suffer due to damp and mould than those with public sector landlords.
A poll of tenanted households, conducted by YouGov on behalf of Safeguard Europe, the UK’s leading specialist in damp-proofing and waterproofing technology, has revealed a new North-South divide.
Residents of an Essex tower block are enjoying damp-free conditions and unspoilt interiors, courtesy of Safeguard Europe’s Stormdry Masonry Protection Cream.
While conservation officers are keen to ensure the use of traditional lime-based plasters and renders on listed and heritage buildings; Safeguard Europe are suggesting better options.
The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 could herald an increase in tenant complaints against landlords, according to new research by YouGov, commissioned by Safeguard.
Safeguard Europe now offers a choice of products in its Dryzone range to deliver a high-quality decorative finish that may be required following decontamination
A plethora of products from Safeguard Europe has helped restore a community centre in the Cumbrian village of Botcherby, following damage caused by Storm Desmond.