
30 November 2022

40 years driven by safety – the history of Scafftag

Scafftag was founded in 1982 in a house in Barry, Wales. The aim – to start providing scaffolding safety solutions for oil & gas companies, with just two people and contractors.


04 October 2022

Making safety culture visible at T5 with Scafftag

How can you ensure shared information on the status of a scaffold is instantly available to all employees from all parties involved in a challenging T5 project? Scafftag has the answer…


23 June 2021

Faster equipment safety inspections with SafeTrak

SafeTrak makes time consuming paper based equipment inspections a lot faster. Planning, inspecting and reporting can be streamlined, customised and largely automated in the SafeTrak app to save time.


21 April 2021

Scafftag: Fast, paperless asset safety inspections

A very large chemicals processer increases the efficiency of asset safety inspections with inspection templates and automated reporting, using reliable Unitags and SafeTrak software from Scafftag.