
02 March 2022

Stannah: How the PSTN switch over will affect your lift

Even though PSTN is still widely used as a basic form of communication, it has fallen into decline in favour of newer technologies. Stannah explore the PSTN switch off more, in this article…


17 November 2021

Stannah Lifts Distribution and Service (UK) Premises Move

Stannah is excited to announce it has moved! The Passenger Lift, Platform Lift, Microlifts and Major Projects Divisions (part of Stannah Lifts Distribution and Service (UK) business unit) are now under the same roof at Watt Close, Andover located on the East Portway Business Park.


12 August 2021

Stannah: The Types of Lifts for Education

Does every educational building in the UK have lifts? Where there is a requirement to travel between floors or over steps, there should be a lift for those less able to do so. Stannah covers some of the considerations for lifts in educational buildings…


22 June 2021

Stannah Passenger Lift for Hospice Extension

Stannah have installed a passenger lift to the new extension to the Countess of Brecknock Hospice, a specialist palliative care facility that opened in 1990.