The recent expansion of the Avianca Cargo hangar at Bogotá El Dorado International Airport in Columbia featured half a kilometre of Gatic UltraSlot from Alumasc Water Management Solutions (AWMS).
The new Jorge Chávez Airport in Peru is one of the most pioneering airport projects ever undertaken in South America – it features Gatic UltraSlot from Alumasc Water Management Solutions (AWMS).
The Port of Huelva in Andalusia has undergone a €40 million expansion, which saw the specification of over a kilometre of Gatic UltraSlot from Alumasc Water Management Solutions (AWMS).
Gatic Ultraslot and Gatic Access Covers from Alumasc Water Management Solutions (AWMS) have been installed at Moin Container Terminal in Costa Rica – the country’s first purpose-built artificial island.
GATIC Slotdrain from AWMS presents a range of innovative surface water drainage channels capable of handling any conceivable combination of drainage demand and loading requirement.
Alicante Port, the well renowned commercial and cruise ship terminal, has undergone an upgrade to benefit from a Gatic Slotdrain high-capacity surface water drainage system.
Alumasc Water Management Solutions will be at Highways UK, at the NEC Birmingham, from 7 – 8 November, with a complete range of highway drainage solutions to future-proof water management.