Armourcoat have secured an important vendor contract for the Holiday Inn Express ‘Formula Blue’ brand experience, with its modular panel system ArmourFX.
There are numerous unknown irregularities when rendering onto a mix of substrate types that prevent an informed judgement being made on how to carry out the work; Saint-Gobain Weber’s advice on the best action to take is below.
Since March, all tenants – whether in private or social accommodation – can now sue their landlords if their homes have health-damaging defects, as Safeguard Europe explain here.
Urban activities traditionally consigned to the urban landscape are now being embraced by the mainstream and incorporated into the interior sports environment, as Troldtekt discuss here…
Saint-Gobain Weber has created a series of guides to give advice on how to clean, repair and protect render, to keep it looking fresh for longer, with Part One looking at cleaning render.