Newstar Door Controls

08 February 2019

Newstar Door Controls react to window restrictors issue

This article sees Toby Staff, Managing Director at Newstar Door Controls, write about the issue of window restrictors that have been designed to nothing more than the BS Standard.


07 February 2019

New window from Schueco UK is latest in Panorama range

Britain’s leading specialist in aluminium and steel systems for the whole building envelope, Schueco UK, has launched the AWS 75 PD.SI Panorama window.


09 January 2019

Wrightstyle discusses protecting the workplace against fire

Wrightstyle’s marketing director, Jane Embury, takes a look at accidental fires in the workplace and discusses how to avoid them.

29 November 2018

Pilkington AviSafe recognised at Glass Focus 2018

Pilkington UK was honoured to be recognised at the glass industry’s Glass Focus 2018 awards with the ‘Innovative Solution’ award on 22nd November.

24 October 2018

Swisspacer helps create Sweden’s biggest Passivhaus school

SWISSPACER ULTIMATE spacer bars were recently chosen for use alongside smartwin windows at the new “Elmeskolan” Passivhaus school in Älmhult, Sweden.