Granada Glazing

10 February 2021

Crittall on the curriculum

School and college authorities that need to improve the learning environment while enhancing their green credentials are turning to leading steel window manufacturer Crittall.

VELUX Commercial
Safeguard Europe

13 January 2021

Safeguard range beats damp double of mould and condensation

Safeguard Europe’s range of anti-condensation and mould-resistant treatments not only assist in condensation control, but also eradicating and preventing the associated growth of black mould.


08 December 2020

Recovinyl: PVC recycling reaches a new high in UK and Ireland

The UK and Ireland collected and recycled a total of 143,428 tonnes of waste PVC across all PVC recycling formats in 2019; this total saw PVC window profiles account for 86,057 tonnes, according to latest industry figures (Recovinyl).
